Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Chapter 6 Img 22

Who? Etruscan Painters
What? Interior of the Tomb of Triclinium
When? 480-470 BCE
Where? Tarquinia
Why? Depict the funerary games in honor of the deceased

Chapter 6 Img 21

Who? Etruscan artist 
What? Chalchas examining a liver
When? 400-375 BCE
Where? Rome, Italy
Why? Popular gifts for both living and dead
How? Engraved bronze mirrors

Chapter 6 Img 20

Who? Etruscan sculptor
What? Sarcophagus of Ramtha Visnai and Arnth Tetnies
When? 350-300 BCE
Where? Tarquinia, Italy
Why? Coffins
How? Local stone

Chapter 6 Img 19

What? Porta Marzia
When? Second century
Where? Perugia, Italy
Why? One of the gates in Perugia's walls
How? Use of fluted pilasters or engaged columns to frame arches

Chapter 6 Img 18

Who? Archaeologists based on Vitruvius's account
What? Model of a typical Etruscan temple 3 Cellas
When? Sixth century
Where? Rome
Why? Scale model building plans
How? Wood, stone, tile, and mud brick

Chapter 6 Img 17

Who? Etruscan artist
What? Fibula with Orientalizing lions
When? 650-640 BCE
Where? Regolini-Galassi Tomb in Cerveteri, Italy
Why? Used to fasten a woman's gown at the shoulder
How? Huge gold pin

Chapter 6 Img 16

Who? Etruscan sculptor
What? Capitoline Wolf
When? 500-480 BCE
Where? Rome, Italy
Why? Legend wolf nursed Romulus and Remus after abandonment
How? Hollow-cast bronze

Chapter 6 Img 15

What? Aule Metele (Arringatore)
When? Early first century
Where? Cortona, Italy
How? Bronze statue

Chapter 6 Img 14

Who? Wealthy Etruscan families tombs
What? Interior of the tomb of the shields and chairs
When? 550-500 BCE
Where? Banditaccia necropolis, Cerveteri, Italy
Why? Tombs for the rich dead for several generations

Chapter 6 Img 13

Who? Tarquinius- King commissioned work
What? Apulu (Apollo of Veii)
When? 510-500 BCE
Where? Veii, Italy
Why? Characterizes Archaic Etruscan art in general
How? Painted Terracotta

Chapter 5 Img 11

Who? Exekias
What? Achilles killing Penthesilea
When? 540-530 BCE
Where? Vulci, Italy
Why? Greek Myth
How? Black figure amphora technique

Chapter 5 Img 10

Who? Epigonos
What? Dying Gaul
When? 230-220 BCE
Where? Altar of Zues
Why? Victory of Attalos I over the Gauls
How? Marble
Which? Roman copies of a bronze statue

Chapter 5 Img 9

What? Tomb of the Diver (Youth Diving)
When? 480-470 BCE
Where? Paestum, Italy
Why? Symbolize plunge from this life into the next
How? Tombs cover slab

Chapter 5 Img 8

What? Erechtheion
When? 421-405 BCE
Where? Acropolis, Athens
Why? Honored Athena and incorporated shrines to host other Gods and demigods

Chapter 5 Img 7

What? Kritios Boy
When? 480 BCE
Where? Athens, Greece
Why? First statue to show how a person naturally stands
How? Marble

Chapter 5 Img 6

What? Geometric krater
When? 740 BCE
Where? Athens, Greece
Why? Mark the grave of a buried man to pour liberation's in honer of the dead

Chapter 5 Img 5

Who? Kleitas and Ergotimos
What? Francois Vase
When? 570 BCE
Where? Chiusi, Italy
Why? Learning black figure technique
Which? Same format as geometric and orientalizing vases

Chapter 5 Img 4

Who? N/A
What? Peplos Kore
When? 530 BCE
Where? Athens, Greece
Why? She's an unknown Goddess
How? Marble
Which? Contrast with the Lady of Auxerre

Chapter 5 Img 3

Who? Polykleitos
What? Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)
When? 450-440 BCE
Where? Pompeii, Italy
Why? Portray the perfect man & to impose order on human movement
How? Copy of bronze but replica is marble
Which? Roman copy from the palaestra bronze statue

Chapter 5 Img 2

Who? Three Lacoon Sculptors- Athanadoros, Hagesandros, & Polydoros of Rhodes
What? Head of Odysseus
When? Early first century
Where? Sperlonga, Italy
How? Marble sculpting
Which? Scylla attacking Odysseus's ship

Chapter 5 Img 1

Who? Iktinos
What? Parthenon/Acropolis
When? 447-438BCE
Where? Athens, Greece
Why? Celebrate Athenian people and to honor Athena Parthenos
How? Made using harmonic numerical ratios