Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Reasons Why?

1. It shows that the building gets smaller the further it is. If the lines were parallel the building wouldn't look real.

2. The artist is using perspective to show the large ship was at a further distant so it seems smaller than the small boat that is closer and larger.

3. He wanted to put it into the painting because he spent a lot of time living in Rome and roman ruined has a significance in religion.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Cave of Forgotten Dreams

The Cave of Forgotten Dreams

1. When and where was the cave discovered?
In 1994 Near the Ardeche river in southern France.
2. Why was a door installed into the opening of the cave?
The entrance was enlarged and in order to keep the cave secure and climate safe to protect the art, a door was installed.

3. Where were the red spots discovered and how were they made?
They were near the entrance and made with the palm of a hand.

4. What was the first proof that the drawings were not forgeries?
The proof was the way the cave had grown over thousands of years around the art.

5. Why did the scientist believe that the artist created the bison with eight legs? What other possible reason do you think that this might have been done?
The bison had eight legs to make it seem like it was moving, a for of protocinema. It could be possible there was another bison behind that couldn't be seen.

6. What possible landmark was near the cave?
The Pont d'Arch which is a natural arch.

7. Why did the filmmakers think that there might have been dancing in the cave?
The flame could cast shadows on the art and it would seem like the shadows were dancing.

8. What does the presence of bones indicate?
Humans never lived in the cave but was used more for ceremonies and art because no human bones were found in the cave.

9. How did they know that one person created the red dots in different parts of the cave?
His pinky finger was crooked which gave them evidence that other palm prints were from the same person.

10. What animal is combined with a woman?
A bison

11. What was discovered in 2008? What material was it created from?
The veus of hohle fels made from a mammoths tusk.

12. What was most significant about this cave to you?
 Its discovery was most significant that someone would climb into a small hole deep into the cave.